Saturday, May 03, 2008

Home on the Range

I'm home.

I don't think it will sink in that I'm not leaving soon for a while. It's good to be with the family. Tonight was chill. We unpacked, watched Home Improvement and The Incredibles, chatted, played catch with Henry, made pancakes, and admired our newest summer addition: Shakira. Shakira is a male beta fish whose owner will be in Ireland next week. So he's staying with us.

Goodbyes were wretchedness. Finn and Ally won't be coming back in the fall, and that is sad. I have been so blessed to know them, especially Finneas. I'm glad me and Roommate are going to the beach together next week, otherwise I would have burst into tears saying goodbye. I love that kid so much. Gah. God has not only given me a fantastic roommate, but an incredible friend. If you're around us at all, you know we hang out literally, at times, 24/7. Seniors graduate. You'd think that wouldn't mean much to a freshman but there are some freaking amazing seniors at JBU that have been so kind and a friend -I will truly miss many of them. I also had to say goodbye to my Sunday school class. While I will resume teaching in the fall, I won't have the same kids. My kids are hilarious and have given me the strength many weeks to keep sloshing through school. I don't have pictures of them either! Arg. I hate how these things happen. Anyway, although you probably will never read this, to Donte, Harrison, Nathan, Teague, Charity, Elliot, Alex, Erica, and Nora: I love you all. Your outlook on life presses me on to find God in the littlest things. You have definitely taught me a thing or two this semester. And whoever started the trend of calling me "stinky cheese" ...sigh.

Well, let's see. It's late, but I don't really feel like going to bed. ...but I should. So I will.
Here's to a lovely summer under the roof of these two:

[For realz: this is priceless. They probably would kill me if they knew this was on here. Baha]